
Ministry of Electronic Governance of Bulgaria ( MEG ) is tasked with cybersecurity policy of Bulgaria. Within the Ministry Executive Agency Infrastructure of Electronic Governance operates the UECN, the GHC and NSOC of Bulgaria, is such way directly monitoring and protecting significant part of Bulgarian governmental organizations. MEG is interested into participating in the Trans-National SOC pilot, as we believe that the better and faster we can exchange cybersecurity related information, the better and faster will be the reaction and thus the damage will be significantly decreased, if any. For majority of Bulgarian organizations, operating with limited funding for cybersecurity, such stream of information can be extremely useful. On multiple occasion we’ve cooperated with our partners in the projects: · With Greece, as neighboring countries, we exchange cybersecurity related information and support each other, as the security profiles and types of attacks are very similar. · With Malta we participated in CEF funded project to implement connectivity to MeliCERTes platform of CERTEU, going as far as testing connectivity together, both BG and MT team with MeliCERTes and with EC participation.